Tip Tuesday – Photoshop Lightroom – 03 – The navigator and image rating

Third part of our series looking at Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, today we are looking at the navigator and how we can quickly rate our images after import, rating might be less than thrilling but it’s super important as that library grows! Find the post and HD video on uibuzz.com at this link. Follow @uibuzz.com onContinue reading “Tip Tuesday – Photoshop Lightroom – 03 – The navigator and image rating”

New Photoshop Tuesday Tip video up on site – Non-destructive brightness change

A new Tuesday Tip has just gone up, this week we look at changing the brightness of images in a non-destructive way so we can go back and change our mind over and over should we wish 🙂 http://www.uibuzz.com/?p=678

Photoshop video tip – Brush opacity control with a Wacom tablet pen.

Have a Wacom tablet? Then why not control the opacity of your brushes using the pen just like pencil and paper. This video shows you how to set-up Photoshop CS4 brushes to respond to brush pressure on Wacom tablets. The harder you push the more opaque the brush will be. A bonus at the endContinue reading “Photoshop video tip – Brush opacity control with a Wacom tablet pen.”

Load an external text/html file using ActionScript 3, take 2 – Class is in

I have received many responses to my original post to the ActionScript 3 code for loading external text or HTML, and a user encountered a situation loading the data across scenes. So I thought I would go back and revisit the code, this time making it modular with a class. Here is the link toContinue reading “Load an external text/html file using ActionScript 3, take 2 – Class is in”

Tutorial – Countdown timer example class in ActionScript 3

I have uploaded a new set of sample files and example code for a more elaborate timer class that will countdown from a specified number of minutes or seconds and display the current count in a text field. The class file and code is in ActionScript 3, rather than repost the code visit the postContinue reading “Tutorial – Countdown timer example class in ActionScript 3”

Tutorial – Simple gravity animation with ActionScript 3

I was playing around with some movement code and thought I would share this simple example of simulating very basic gravity with ActionScript animation. The example below moves a movieclip on the stage with the instance name of ‘mClip’ towards the bottom of the stage. The function ‘blockMovement’ is called when the main timeline entersContinue reading “Tutorial – Simple gravity animation with ActionScript 3”

Tutorial, Connect to a MySQL server using PHP

OK, So I’m starting to get into using PHP to return MySQL database data to my SWF apps and there for need some super simple code to generate the returns (XML). So with that in mind here is my example of how to connect to a MySQL server using PHP, I’ve tried to make itContinue reading “Tutorial, Connect to a MySQL server using PHP”