CSS-Tricks.com is a great way to learn CSS!

If you are learning or even experienced with CSS I strongly recommend you check out css-tricks.com. There is a huge amount of information and tutorials to learn from and be sure to subscribe to the Podcasts. I have learned a lot about WordPress themes from watching Chris Coyier’s Podcasts. Find the site here http://www.css-tricks.com

Dreamweaver 4 Beta – 5 minute impression

I will post more opinions on this in greater detail but after trying the new Dreamweaver 4 Beta I have to say I’m impressed. To be honest upfront when I first read the new features and changes list I was way under impressed, however there are three things that after only five minutes with itContinue reading “Dreamweaver 4 Beta – 5 minute impression”

Load an external CSS file using ActionScript 3, sample code.

The code sample below loads an external CSS file and then applies it to items on the stage. ———– code sample function cssLoadComplete(event:Event):void {         styles.parseCSS(cssLoader.data);         // Now assign the StyleSheet to a text field for example         some_text_field.styleSheet = styles;         // Now you would load any external text or html into         // the text field }Continue reading “Load an external CSS file using ActionScript 3, sample code.”

Create a CSS StyleSheet and apply it to a text field, sample code.

The code below will create a StyleSheet instance and apply that to any instance on the stage you specify, in this example I apply it to a text field instance named my_text_field ———– code sample var styles:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); // setStyle(styleName, styleObject); // this example sets the paragraph tag styles.setStyle(“p”, {color:”#CCCC00″}); // Remember toContinue reading “Create a CSS StyleSheet and apply it to a text field, sample code.”

Adobe’s new site and my take on the left page hug design.

Much has been said about Adobe’s new look site, mostly in the hate it camp. Personally I do not mind it that much, it’s not like I really spend enough time on the site to really care, for the most part I only go there to dive into the support sections.People have commented on whetherContinue reading “Adobe’s new site and my take on the left page hug design.”