Dreamweaver 4 Beta – 5 minute impression

I will post more opinions on this in greater detail but after trying the new Dreamweaver 4 Beta I have to say I’m impressed. To be honest upfront when I first read the new features and changes list I was way under impressed, however there are three things that after only five minutes with itContinue reading “Dreamweaver 4 Beta – 5 minute impression”

Load an external CSS file using ActionScript 3, sample code.

The code sample below loads an external CSS file and then applies it to items on the stage. ———– code sample function cssLoadComplete(event:Event):void {         styles.parseCSS(cssLoader.data);         // Now assign the StyleSheet to a text field for example         some_text_field.styleSheet = styles;         // Now you would load any external text or html into         // the text field }Continue reading “Load an external CSS file using ActionScript 3, sample code.”

Create a CSS StyleSheet and apply it to a text field, sample code.

The code below will create a StyleSheet instance and apply that to any instance on the stage you specify, in this example I apply it to a text field instance named my_text_field ———– code sample var styles:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); // setStyle(styleName, styleObject); // this example sets the paragraph tag styles.setStyle(“p”, {color:”#CCCC00″}); // Remember toContinue reading “Create a CSS StyleSheet and apply it to a text field, sample code.”

Adobe labs releases Dreamweaver and FireWorks CS4 BETA’s

I really do have to commend Adobe for working this way, nothing is better for bug crushing and application improvement than getting feedback from as many users as possible. To that end Adobe has put the new Dreamweaver and FireWorks on the labs. I’m a big big fan of both applications and have been usingContinue reading “Adobe labs releases Dreamweaver and FireWorks CS4 BETA’s”

More TextMate themes on the Wiki

Well it seems someone did not pay the bill because my original post pointing to a TextMate themes site (a promising one too!) is down. So for those looking for more try the TextMate Wiki, there is some great themes on there you can find it here I just love using TextMate, it has becomeContinue reading “More TextMate themes on the Wiki”

Adobe Flash Player 10 Beta, things move fast these days.

Read about it here at the Adobe labs, all the usual Flash goodness with 3D Effects and plenty of new fun times. Not much else to say at this time 🙂

Get WEBrick and SELinux to play nice while developing Rails applications

So I am learning Ruby on Rails (and absolutely love it by the way) and decided that I wanted to try and get my rails application running on my Fedora 8 VMware Fusion image. As with everyone else the first problem I encountered when trying to access the application on any other machine on theContinue reading “Get WEBrick and SELinux to play nice while developing Rails applications”

Adobe stops GoLive!

Not a surprise to many I’m sure, I said this would happen after they acquired Macromedia and Dreamweaver. I have been a Dreamweaver user since v2 and never used GoLive! for projects just for fun, it had some nice features and I know there are many GoLive! users out there that will feel the painContinue reading “Adobe stops GoLive!”