Flash navigation idea

Whilst working on a layout for my new (now not going to happen due to work load) Flash based web site I came up with an idea that I thought was kind of interesting for a simple and clean navigation layout. Below is a screenshot, but here is a link to the actual swf toContinue reading “Flash navigation idea”

Validate Email address and Phone number using ActionScript

Great little snippet of code for validating an email address and a phone number using ActionScript. I love this little functions you can drop in code and just run with. A link to the post here. I have linked rather than replicate the code as I believe in crediting the original author.

Great article on how to find the length of an Object in Flex

A link to a great article on getting the length of an Object using ActionScript 3 by Andrei Ionescu, rather than repeating it I’ll just link to it. I find little code segments like this most useful to have laying around in your cone snippets for those times when you need something fast and simple.Continue reading “Great article on how to find the length of an Object in Flex”

New Delicious is just that.

The new look Delicious.com looks and feels great. I have to say it’s one of the better web application make-over upgrades I have seen in a long time. The colors and design are first rate, and I love the minimal yet fully loaded layout. Everything you need is within easy reach and now you actuallyContinue reading “New Delicious is just that.”

ActionScript 3 Tween simple example.

This is an example of tween animation, there are many reasons you may want to animate with script rather than the timeline, personally I prefer to use script where possible so that if I should later want to change the animation it requires a lot less effort than editing a timeline. This can be especiallyContinue reading “ActionScript 3 Tween simple example.”

ActionScript 3 Stage event, sample code.

There are times that you might want the stage to be listening for events, actually I can think of many reasons you’d want this. One very simple way is to add an enter frame event, this can be very useful things like games where you want a bunch of things to take place regularly andContinue reading “ActionScript 3 Stage event, sample code.”

Dreamweaver 4 Beta – 5 minute impression

I will post more opinions on this in greater detail but after trying the new Dreamweaver 4 Beta I have to say I’m impressed. To be honest upfront when I first read the new features and changes list I was way under impressed, however there are three things that after only five minutes with itContinue reading “Dreamweaver 4 Beta – 5 minute impression”

ActionScript 3 simple timer, sample code.

The code below gives you an example of the wonderful timer class, before this timers were a total pain in ActionScript 2, this new class gives us all the functionality we always had to code around before. ———– code sample var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000,1); myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerFunction); function timerFunction(event:TimerEvent):void { trace(“Timer function executed”); } myTimer.start();Continue reading “ActionScript 3 simple timer, sample code.”

Load an external CSS file using ActionScript 3, sample code.

The code sample below loads an external CSS file and then applies it to items on the stage. ———– code sample function cssLoadComplete(event:Event):void {         styles.parseCSS(cssLoader.data);         // Now assign the StyleSheet to a text field for example         some_text_field.styleSheet = styles;         // Now you would load any external text or html into         // the text field }Continue reading “Load an external CSS file using ActionScript 3, sample code.”

Create a CSS StyleSheet and apply it to a text field, sample code.

The code below will create a StyleSheet instance and apply that to any instance on the stage you specify, in this example I apply it to a text field instance named my_text_field ———– code sample var styles:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); // setStyle(styleName, styleObject); // this example sets the paragraph tag styles.setStyle(“p”, {color:”#CCCC00″}); // Remember toContinue reading “Create a CSS StyleSheet and apply it to a text field, sample code.”